Covid Protocols



A Framework for Reopening: Stage 1 – Ontario

The facility is in phase one of reopening. Upon improvement, restrictions will be removed, contingent on the medical advice provided by all 3 levels of government, Federal, Provincial and City. Exceptions will be in writing and amended in this document. This is a facility-wide mandate and applies to all.

Visitors To Our Facility

Everyone must complete a health screening questionnaire upon arrival at the studio. This link can be sent via email prior to arrival. If anyone answers yes to any of the questions they will not be permitted in the facility.

Protective Measures to Keep Everyone Safe

● Non-medical / cloth masks are mandatory for everyone in the common areas and in rooms occupied by more than 1 person and in the elevators.
● Clean your hands upon entry to the facility and often, using soap and water or the supplied alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Clean hands thoroughly, lather and rub for at least 20 seconds. If gloves are being used, after removing gloves, place in the garbage, and wash hands.
● Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands.
● Cover your cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue. Immediately throw the tissue in the
garbage and wash your hands.
● Please stay home if you are sick.

Talent Considerations

All talent must call from downstairs when they arrive, they will be escorted to an individual green room prior to being invited onto the studio floor
● We encourage talent to bring their own water and snacks
● Only 1 parent or guardian will be allowed to accompany children to the session.
● After each talent recording, an identical microphone; headset; pop filter replaces the one just used. The equipment is sanitized immediately after each use and placed at the back of the usage line, likely used within 72 hours after sanitization.


Everyone with the exception of the Talent (1) and the Engineer are required to remain at home and be conferenced into sessions
● There will be no craft service at this time.
● Washroom access is limited to one person at a time


The facility is making every effort to protect its personnel and all others in the facility.
● Immediately after use of work stations, microphones, etc., all equipment will be sanitized before reuse. As a precautionary measure, before the use of work stations, microphones, etc., everything must be sanitized before starting sessions.
● All suites & studios will have hand sanitizer.
● Disposable gloves will be available.

Building Management

Our building management has taken the following measures which may be adjusted as new information and or recommendations are made from the Government;
● Hand sanitization units currently installed within the lobby;
● City of Toronto approved signage has been installed at the main lobby, P-1 and P-2 level;
● City of Toronto approved signage has been installed within each washroom to promote hand washing;
● Modified duties for our building operator which include wiping down high touch areas within the common areas;
● Hand sanitization units are installed at each floor level;
● City of Toronto approved signage has been installed within each elevator to limit the number of occupants;
● The exit stairwell doors can be accessed through access card so guests accompanied by staff can walk up to our floor if they choose;
● Nightly duties for the maintenance staff have been adjusted to wipe down any high touch areas within the tenanted space and common areas. This also includes PPE for each member. The PPE’s are replaced before entering any new floors to avoid any cross contamination;
● All service workers working in the building will be required to wear masks at all times

Policy for Employee Attendance

For your own edification, below is our policy that all personnel must follow while in the facility
● Administration staff will continue to work from home.
● Management will Stagger shifts or have flexible work hours and schedules to limit numbers in the studio.
● Employees who are sick will be able to return to work 14 days after their symptoms start. There are no tests of clearance that are required to return to work.
● We will maintain flexible policies so employees can stay home to care for a sick family member, or if they must self-isolate because they were in close contact with a person with COVID-19.
● Wash Hands prior to using the cafe.
● Afterwards, wipe down all touched surfaces including handles with disinfectant wipes and put all used cups and dishes directly into the dishwasher for disinfecting. Do not leave any items on counters, in suites and studios or on your desk.
● Employees should keep two metres/six feet from other staff and clients as much as possible.
● Absolutely no congregating in the lounge and cafe.
● Personnel travelling via transit to and from work are being supplied with a Mask, Gloves, Protective Eyewear and are being asked to maintain the Social Distancing guideline to the best of their ability. On arrival, personnel must remove their mask, sanitize their gloves, wash their hands, and wear another mask.


A big-time Happy New Year to all for 2021!


Happy New Year: A new era begins!